Friday, April 18, 2008

another funny idea

after reading yf's scissors, paper and stone story, i suddenly thought of another theory..

lecturers or prof or doc or whoever, always say, "study hard in your field, den next time when out to work, u will score good results and records in your that particular field and b successful, rich or watever... "actually quite true.. u study hard and you work for what u had studied. completely true.. but a bit funny... isnt those lectuers or prof or doc or whoever suppose to work in their own field too? den why are they teaching now? isnt that if u study accounting den u come out to be an accountant.. bla bla bla... so why why why? since they studied other things den why in the end they still turned out to b a teacher, which is completely different from what they had studied? should b right? if not they should be from moe ma.. so... r they suppose to encourage us to study hard and b successful in our own field? or to switch track like them? like becoming a lecturer?

hmmm... critical thinking skill...

n 1 more qn.
will u believe a liar when a liar sae he is a liar?

if u sae u believe him, why? he is a liar why believe him? he is suppose to be lying right?
if u dun believe him, why? he lied about he himself being not a liar, so he is not a liar right? cos he is lying that he is a liar. so should b able to trust right?

u get me or nt?
so.. believe or nt?

so many unanswered in the world, so fun..
k k i m going back to mug now :D


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