Friday, December 18, 2009

-10 out there

just marked off a few more days to the end of this jorney..

jnc is comin soooon... time flies manzzzz

exam offically ended, though didnt study very much, at least i did my part by shutting myself up in the dorm n buried myself with notes and paper.. to make myself feel better? enjoy this kind of 'study the day before exam' feel... i will nv have this chance again in nus...

Last contract lesson after our presentation... the so 'anyhow' presentation =>

us with prof cho..

our prof cho~~~ the sun

its getting very very cold now..
temp go down to -2 during daytime and -10 at night. so cold... esp for me... my hair simply standsssssssSSSss..
i was at somewhere the other day, and i waited solid 30min for the bus .. ya outdoor... with temp -6... crazy and madness! my hand simply freeze to the extend of pain than namb... not mine anymore... then the bus is bloody slow......

ok.. after that walkin to dorm..
still very cold... bt i still decided to take off my gloves and took this... at my own risk.. my hands may just breakaway.

look very oldies, but its hanyang... lonely leaveless routh...

i like this

and my school lake...
its like the size of a swimmin pool.. maybe bigger den it?
the whole lake freeze up.. its ice now...

maybe i should just try walkin on it.. haha! okok set

ok random days.. before exam
went ewah with the usuals => shopping!
omg... cakes everywhere!
this is my 23rd birthday wish~~ heee

random day at junang outback.. yup the singapore outback tt outback
nice food!
and look at my new bear coat! like it!! =>

and skipped..
yday... went to myeong dong shopping..
temp is onli -10... damn cold... and myeong dong is outdoor!!!
so coldddddddddddddd... hand super painful...
my feet are also breaking off although i am wearin boots! omg.... feel like dying
but! for SHOPPING! nothin can stop me...
broken arms? pick them up and continue shopping! =X
ya.......... i bought all the required skincare yday... spent like water.... aiyoooooooooooooooo blood oozing from the pocket... sounds gross ah? haha!
ya la... spent alot..
so sorri jnc, might not be able to go skiing with u guys... broke already... -.-
hehee,,, understandable right? is ME leh.. the spending queen... which trip i dun end up borrowing money form ppl? then the highest debt to pay back when we got back? heheee.. its ME!
pic at myeong dong =>
damn cold..

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