Friday, February 15, 2008

after a long time

hi all! i finally decided to update my blog after a long time! was kinda lazy.. okok! just talk abit here n there!
one day, i cant remember which day, the few of us met up for dinner at pasta cafe! the food is not bad, but i m not really a pasta person, it really did freak me out alittle for pasta for the next couple of days. of cos.. photo taking! love it~~~ who ask us to b so photogenic :)
too bad hann was unable to join us, if nt will b full set

after tt we went back to cwp to watch 27 dresses. nice!! very sweet... sweet sweet sweet.. melted into it..
hahaaa! toilet is always one of our fav photo takin place! not forgettin to mention tt the toilet at cwp stink quite alot..
okok!! lets jump to new year! the first day of new yr... as usual is boring.. just sitting around waiting for my ang pao.. den my uncle came n asked me where is my the other half? i just ans.. "oh! i m here again.. ALONE this year!" hahaaa! whos care... hahaa! den at night.. met up with my girls for movie.. tt jay dunk movie..not very nice.. abit boring... too OVER de outline... but b4 the movie we went the prata place at yy hse there for supper.. hahaa!!
is this f4???
n the 3rd day of new yr??? after mj session at ju's hse.. ya i lost $2.10.. yayaya i admit i m lousy... after mj meeting of the circle of friends again!!!!
meet the circle!!!!

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